Sunday, 11 March 2012

YES I haven’t been posting for about a little bit more than a month and that was definitely not my New Year’s Resolution, but I’ve been really busy with my internship (9am - 6pm daily) and, squeezing in driving, giving tuition, my friends, shopping and the almighty SLEEP into whatever remaining time I have left in my life. But! I did manage to take quite a few pictures which I will now turn into an instagram diary – for times like these when I have too much going on in my life to write in words and as recounts. So I shall skim over the details of events and what-nots and let the pictures speak for themselves.

So these pictures are actually from really long ago, somewhere between the last time I posted and today, but I haven't been taking much pictures as I would've liked recently (broke another NYR, sigh) because I usually like taking pictures of surroundings, people and objects in daylight because pictures just turn out better, but my days are spent in the office... 

I would, however, like to mention that despite my lack of time for myself nowadays, I am quite enjoying my internship at ImageworksAcademy of Image Mastery. I'll talk more about that in my next blog post. 


Alignment is way off. On usual days I would spend more time to perfect it because I really cannot tolerate improper alignment, but I'm just so sleepy, I'll return to it another day. Hope everyone had a great weekend xxx

1 comment:

  1. wow good luck for the internship

    Just FYI, there’s an event for bloggers and the prizes are iPad2 and Cash. Find the info in my blog
